Monday, August 4, 2008

Lakeville Water Stop, Saturday, 1:30 pm

Carter's family came down to meet me at the Pedal Partners Picnic. It was a brief stop but it really rejuvenated me to see Carter and his family. Carter's mom had signed us up as official Pedal Partners, so there was a giant picture of Carter at the tent!

I found out that Carter's family has received direct assistance from the Jimmy Fund. The clinic has some PMC funds that are discretionary--and they can help with things like parking fees. That may not seem like a big deal, unless you've tried to park a car in Boston yourself!

In this picture, you can see a sweaty guy in a goofy hat holding Carter. Carter is willing to go along with that for a little while, but he'd really prefer Mommy. My camera has a giant smudge on it--I hope Lori got a better picture.
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